Thursday, July 22, 2010

The end of the beginning

Well friends its been a month, and its been a long one. I went to disney world, worked, and slept. But school is starting soon so i have been trying to mentally prepare myself for it. I have been trying to work on my recital stuff because i want my recital to be awesome. Also anyone reading this is invite to come, because im sure only one person will read this post.

Anyway a coworker and i got into a disagreement today at work. IT wasnt anything bad, we were just fighting over which processor was better, i5 or the phenom II x6. the phenom ii is the better processor in my opinion because its the only thing that comes close to the phenom ii is the i7 920. I know this because i have researched the chip a whole lot because i want to buy one. I just let it pass over because it wasnt that big of a deal, and i know im right anyway.

I have an intel chip in my computer as i type this, and it has been good to me. Though its 2 years old, it still runs games pretty well. I dont really like intel anymore since i have gotten my computer, they have retired 3 chipsets. AMD has only retired 2, plus better chips will come out with the some socket. Only the super expenisve intel chips beat the farily priced amd chips(hexacore chip). Basically AMD has the best price to power ratio. AMD doesnt make chips that are over priced that no one will buy.

With this whole rant comes one thing that i found myself doing my whole life: stay with that you like, even though everyone else gives you shit about it. Because in the end, you will be happier. Peace hoes.