Wednesday, June 23, 2010


All i have to say is that the USA won in soccer today. Awesome, to bad no one really cares about it.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy fathers day or lack there of

in honor of this day, which im sure doesnt mean anything to plenty of people, i wrote a song to capture how i feel. Happy father's day!

How am I supposed to become a man
Without anyone too show me?
How are you supposed to become a dad?
When you cant earn the title of father.

I hope you are happy with your fake little family
Safe a hidden from the truth
That you are a worthless piece of shit, through and through

You never cared what day my birthday was
Or what grade I was in
All you ever cared about was you
Now, and even then.

This is only a taste of it. IM not putting the whole thing up because im sure someone will do like beyonce did and still the damn thing.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Well i woke up this morning and i was happy: today was the day i was finally getting fiber internet. After it was install, i began my conquest of the internet at super fast speeds. No longer will you tube's HD content slow me down. But anyway i need to start working on my Sr. recital stuff. I have the general order of how i want it to go down in my head, i just need to start writing songs and making strange sounding projects.

So the USA tied england in the world cup. Good job USA, you tied a country that actually cares about futball. Americans only like football and basketball because people get bored easy. Well i like baseball, and i like how slow it is. Baseball is a thinking mans game. Though i know the games tend to get long, its still my favorite sport. And if you dont like, THEN DROP THE CLASS!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

my head hurts

Well i woke up this morning and my head freaking hurt. No i didnt drink last night, but for some reason i have felt dizzy all day. Maybe i should have drank last night. Anyway i havent felt like much of a musician lately. I mean i have been playing my guitar, but it hasnt been that much. Between working all the damn time and sleeping, my guitar has taken a semi back seat. But no worries, i will make time for her. Oh and summer is upon us because its starting to get super hot outside (yaya!) Well i hope you enjoyed wasting you life and reading this. BYE!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

who the hell will read this?

if you are the unfortunate soul who is reading this, im sorry for you. You now will have to listen to me bitch about how i hate life and certain things and creatures that live along side us gross humans. I cant spell, i dont speak correctly, i like to eat seafood (thought BP will make sure i dont eat any ever again), and i suck at grammar. But at least im in touch with my inner faults, unlike 98% of the world. Well this is enough for my first rant. K thx bye!